I'ma the King in " AFRICA"

I'ma the King in "  AFRICA"

Thursday, December 13, 2007

My common Supplements

My Common Supplements

Creatine HDS; Monohydrate Creatine (Powder or Capsules); Creatine X4; HMB; ZMA; Tribulis; Tri-Anabol from USN Company ; Mass Builder (Powder) Chocolate’s my favorite; Creatine PUMP; Pearieactin; Weight Gain; Muscle Fuel from ProHealth and ProLad Company and I aso like to use Monohydrate Pure Creatine with BCAA; Macho Power.
I also take my regular supplements like vitamin C, vitamin E, a multi-vitamin, mult-mineral, magnesium; chromium, glucosamine, Co-Q10, liver tablets, Humanofort, saw palmetto, a prostate health supplement and some calcium.

My Favorite Beverages
A. Black Coffee with no Sugar
B. Concentrated Juice
C. Pure Fresh (Cold) Water
D. Red Bull
E. Built-in
F. Rox
And other energized Drinks…

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